
Captured B-17 303rd BG - 41-24585 "Wulfe Hund"

b17 panelThis B-17 instrument panel section was recovered from B-17F serial number #41-24585 of the 303rd Bomb Group. The plane crash landed in a field near Melun, France on 12 December 1942. The Germans were able to repair it and fly it to Germany. This is reported to be the first B-17 the Germans were able capture intact and fly again.





The plane was re-painted with German insignia and given the markings DL XC. The Germans named the B-17 "Wulfe Hound" and its first flight with the Luftwaffe was on March 17, 1943. It was later transferred to the Luftwaffe Squadron KG200 where it took part in the training of Luftwaffe crews, fighter pilots, and flying on secret missions.

On the B-17 panel you can still see the German writing describing different items on the panel.


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b17 wulfe hund

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