Wings Remembered is dedicated to preserving the history of airmen and their aircraft.

On 25 December 1944 he was flying a F6C (recon version of the P-51C) serial number 42-103460. The plane had two nose art names, “Rome Gnome” and "Weenie Merchant 2". This was his 100th mission. He departed from Azelot France on a combat reconnaissance mission in the Frankfurt Germany area.
Read more: William C. Littlewood Pilot F6C 42-103460 111th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron
Gene Roddenberry flew over 80 missions, most of which would have been as Bill Ripley's co-pilot on LOS LOBOS. We have had this section of nose art from LOS LOBOS for more than 20 years. During this time we had not been able to positively identify the B-17 that this nose art section was from. That changed recently when author and historian Steve Birdsall contacted with this information
Read more: Gene Roddenberry, Co-Pilot, B-17 41-2644 LOS LOBOS of the 394th BS
This B-26 was shot down on 24 February 1945 with the loss of the entire crew. They were Gwen T McPherson (pilot), Dan W Chaney (copilot,) Earl R LaPan (bombardier / navigator,) Wilbur N Beasley (gunner,) Edward Klacik Flight (engineer / gunner,) and John H Boettcher (gunner.) This mission was number 237 for the bomb group and the primary target was a railroad bridge in Irlich, Germany.
Read more: 391st Bomb Group B-26 43-34337 named Homesick Pappy
We are always looking for additional uniforms, flight jackets, photos, log books, documents from WWI to today to preserve and display and share the history of those individuals. Additionally we are looking for items removed from aircraft that include artifacts from crash sites, instrument panels, sections of aircraft down, and even the smallest data plate kept as a souvenir.
If you have any of these items we hope you will consider us as the safe haven for them.